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My Talks

After years of experience in web development, I realised it is time to give something back to community. I started speaking at conferences and meetups where I share my knowledge and experience with others.

A Decade* of Unraveling the Framework's Power
Ljubljana, June 2023

My Laravel Adventure is about reflections, lessons learned, insights, tips & tricks I've learned in the past decade of working with Laravel.

Hotwire Turbo for Laravel Developers
Vienna, March 2024

What Livewire is for Laravel is Hotwire for Ruby on Rails. There is a caveat, though: Hotwire is framework agnostic, and it can be used with any backend framework. This talk is about how to use Hotwire Turbo with Laravel.

From Messy Controllers to Clean Code: My Laravel Refactoring Guide
Ljubljana, April 2024

In this talk, we'll dive into refactoring controller-heavy code using commonly employed design patterns in Laravel. Discover how to streamline your codebase by leveraging Laravel's powerful features, which include Requests, Pipeline Facades, DTOs & Value Objects, and the Builder & State pattern. Join us as we explore practical strategies for improving code structure and maintainability in Laravel applications.”